Above image is a Link to current Fornalder rulebook draft

Above image is a Link to current Fornalder rulebook draft

In ancient times, before the waning of wild magic, Scandia witnessed the struggle for hegemony between the Mundane Alliance and the Fomorian League. From mythical Jotunheim, the Mundane kingdoms of the Southeast, the northern dwelling of Dwarves and to the southern Troll clans, all races would struggle for possession of renowned artifacts, conquest or mere survival.

Fornaldar is a 2-player game based closely on the universe of David Ritchie's Albion - Land of Faerie. Players maneuver forces across a map covering contemporary Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Forces engage in ground and naval battles; Heroes clash in one-on-one Trials by Combat while enchanters use the power of wild magic in the pursuit of global goals.

Our target for Fornalder’s Kickstarter campaign is 4Q2021.

Page updated on 29 June, 2021